Friday, June 21, 2013

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Let's face it kids are honest, too honest. 

The only way to survive parenthood is to have a good sense of humor. 

If all else fails, Laugh!

With as crazy as my little men are, I decided I want blackmail when they're older. 

... Ok honestly, I want to sit back and be able to remember all these cute little moments. 

Like the time my oldest was potty training and in front of the entire family said to his aunt "Aunt____, I poo for you?".  It was hilarious!  

So I came up with an idea...
                      I'm sure I'm not the first to come up with this idea, but I thought I'd share. 

I went to a local discount store (I love discounts), and bought a journal. 

Every time one of my munchkins does something cute or blackmail worthy, I write it down. 

Like this:

John Doe age 4     10/10/10

Today I had to explain to John that grandpa had to go away for a short while on business.
His response "Like Bob the builder, Grandpa is going to build things?" 

Yes, my father, his grandfather works in construction... So now my son thinks "bob" must be grandpa's friend.  

Go on now, start documenting! 

P.s. share your funny quotes.

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