Monday, September 30, 2013

Garbage Anyone?

My husband and I have tried every method we can fathom.

We have let our son stay up late.... Still our almost five year old wakes with the rise of the sun.
One time when he was sick he slept until nine! NINE!

As you can imagine, my youngest is teething and keeps me up late at night.
 I just can't wake at four or five (not with sanity anyway)... sometimes I can do six.... though I prefer seven or  better eight.

 Because of this, my son doesn't think my schedule works for him.

He just can't understand why I wont make pancakes at five in the morning.

I have bought him yogurts he can feed himself, I leave fruit out, sometimes I even put together a trail mix.

So one would think this should be sufficient. Yet to my horror I woke to my son eating the remains in the garbage can....


He replied "Yummy".

I gasped "No! I bought you snacks.... WHY didn't you eat them?"

My son smiled "This was yummy"

..... I give up! I throw in the towel!

I don't know what to say..... I'm terrified and the only thing I can think to do is laugh hideously.

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